Made from aluminum, nickel, and cobalt, these magnets are known for their excellent temperature stability and high resistance to demagnetization from vibration and shock. Aluminum nickel cobalt magnets have good temperature stability and aging stability, making them suitable for making instruments, motors, electroacoustic devices, magnetic machinery, etc.
Samarium Cobalt (SmCo) magnets are powerful, often used in applications under high temperature due to their superior temperature stability. It is often used in applications that require high-temperature work, such as generators, pump couplings, sensors, motors, marine applications, as well as automotive, aerospace, military, food, and manufacturing industries benefiting from its high temperature and corrosion resistance characteristics.
Ferrite, as a metal oxide, has high hardness and brittleness, and can be classified as "soft magnet" or "hard magnet" based on its low or high coercivity. Its high resistivity, dielectric properties, and magnetic permeability make it widely used in non-metallic magnetic materials in the high-frequency and weak current fields.
Professional magnetic material solution provider
It is a processor and technical service provider of rare earth permanent magnet core materials in electronics, military and other industries.

Wide coverage area
Targeting the global consumer electronics market, we integrate and provide innovative products and services for brand electronics enterprises through various development models such as self operated and cooperative operations

Numerous customers
Processing and technical service providers of rare earth permanent magnet core materials in industries such as electronics and military

R&D innovation
Research and develop more intellectual property products and technologies independently for magnetic materials.

Industry applications